Friday 13 January 2017

Ramble Numero Uno

This is my first blog... Wow! Where to start? Maybe... a video? Yeah, a video.

Here is a video that I really like... it may not have much to do with my topic for today but its worth sharing anyway.

As a matter of fact I think I may just share a potentially unrelated video that I really like at the outset of each of these blog posts!

Anyways.... back on topic! I think the most fitting topic for my first blog in this course is my personal thoughts on ICT in the classroom. So let's do it!

I have always been a person that is not afraid of new technology and unfamiliar technology. I have never been apprehensive of new technology. In fact, I often am excited by new technology and eager to jump in and learn the tech. That is why I believe that technology will be a great resource for me as a teacher. I fully intend to use technology in my classroom. However, the major caveat to that point is that I will only use technology when it is appropriate and useful. I once heard a professor say that technology should only be incorporated into a lesson if it "adds something to the lesson, not if it just being incorporated for the sake of technology itself". This statement was profound for me. I believe all too often teachers feel pressured into incorporating technology into their lessons. This pressure most likely stems from the current contemporary discourse surrounding education and its need to modernize. This pressure leads to the technology being used in non-useful ways, that frankly, add nothing of value to the lesson.

Us a young teachers should not have this problem. By nature of our generation it is most likely that we have much more knowledge and savviness towards technology as compared to older generations. We should be able to understand the technology better and recognize when it is truly useful to us as teachers or our students.

For instance, I really love the program 'Socrative'. We learned about this program last term through Dr. Skyhar. The program has various features but most notably it allows the teacher to make quick and easy admit/exit slips or quizzes that the students can do right from their smartphones. The data is then automatically put into a spreadsheet format for easy analysis. The is no argument against the using this program in my opinion. It allows the students to use their devices in a productive way and it provides the teacher with valuable formative assessment data in a matter of minutes. Traditionally, a teacher would have to organize, and analyze physical exit slips themselves. Now, a software program does it for you!

Also, I have become familiar with Google Docs. This program allows multiple users from multiple devices to edit and publish a online document at the same time. It has many uses. This can be used to make group work possible from great distances. It can also be used a brainstorming application or a forum for classroom suggestions. The possibilities are tremendous!

In closing, I believe it is worth mentioning again that technology in the classroom can be an invaluable resource for teachers and students, but only if it used appropriately and adds something to the lesson.

1 comment:

  1. I will look forward to your opening videos .. this one though - is related. Anyway, that prof sounds like me - use tech to enhance the learning! Good post.


Ramble #15 Greetings! This is my final blog post for the Internet For Educators course! We have come a long way! As we all think towards...