Saturday 27 January 2018

Ramble #11

As promised in last week's post, here is part two of that incredibly well done video!

The other night I was lying in bed (couldn't fall asleep) thinking about technology. The genesis of this train of thought was me asking me bed-side table 'Alexa" what time it was. She politely responded "The time is 2:13 a.m". For some reason in that moment I had a profound feeling come over me. I felt in awe of what I just did. I literally asked a cylindrical object what time it was and it answered me. That is remarkable. However, all too often we as humans do not take the time to sit back and gain perspective on the world around us. Technology is truly incredible, yet it is taken for granted everyday.

I think it is important to take the time and appreciate all that technology has given us. I now carry a SUPER powerful computer in my pocket everyday. That computer can tell me any piece of knowledge in human existence. It also is my daybook, my watch, my alarm, my music player, my thermometer, etc. etc. Even though this technology is very new in the grand scheme of things, humans expect it. What I mean by this is that, smartphones are really only about 10 years-old, however, humans now EXPECT that we should be able to carry around a SUPER powerful computer in our pockets. I feel that there is little appreciation for the miracle of human ingenuity. 

I remember the times of land-line phones, dial-up internet, VCRs, CDs, etc. This allows for me to have perspective and appreciate how far we have come in such a short period of time. 

Children who have grown up with technology like this in their lives since they can remember aren't able to gather that perspective. These kids have nothing to compare it to, and therefore of course they expect this technology to always be there. How can we as future parents and educators get our kids to respect and appreciate the technology they use everyday? That is a MASSIVE but important question.

This was quite a ramble this week... but I am happy I did it!

Until next week!


  1. Rambling Rowe, thrilled that you have kept up with sourcing cool videos! So many interesting facts in this Every country in the world video! You ask a good question - "How can we as future parents and educators get our kids to respect and appreciate the technology they use everyday?" Indeed, a great question to ponder! Looking forward to seeing how this develops...

  2. I think some of us who are a certain age, and didn't grow up with the technology we have now, have a built-in appreciation for what we have now. I personally didn't have high speed internet at home until I was 17, so I've experienced the "dark ages" as they might be called. I've thought about maybe having students do a research project and severely limiting, if not eliminating, all technology and online sources. This would certainly take a lot longer to complete, but I think it might help students gain some appreciation of the technology that they now have at their fingertips at all times.

  3. First, I think that's pretty cool you have an Alexa, and I feel like I should learn more about her because I think I would enjoy having her in my life...

    Second, I understand why thinking about this concept caused you not to sleep. I think about the whole technology sometimes and I almost end up in an existential crisis and I have to stop myself before I freak right out. I think about how fast the technology has advanced in the past ten years and it slightly terrifies me to think about where we will be in ten years. AHH!


Ramble #15 Greetings! This is my final blog post for the Internet For Educators course! We have come a long way! As we all think towards...