Saturday 27 January 2018

Tech Task #2

Curation, curation, curation. The importance of curation online can not be understated. This is because there truly is so much information online that it can quickly become overwhelming. However, if we are able to properly manage and organize information in our online lives it become so much more manageable and therefore useful to us educators. 

A site like "feedly" turns a massive headache into a non-problem. Without "feedly" we would all have to worry about keeping track of our classmates' blog URLs and then going to each of those URLs every week to check out their posts. "feedly' takes care of all of this in such a simple manner. It organizes all the URLs in one nice folder for us and then notifies us when our classmates have posted. From there we can simply to follow the link on "feedly" to their blog. So handy! 

Similarly, a site like pinterest is super helpful in curation. My fiancee and I just recently got engaged and one of the first places she went to when we began planning the wedding was pinterest. This is because it organizes all the helpful links and images you need into one page for you based on the search field. From there, you can create a board and begin pinning all the posts you like onto that board for easy organization. Pinterest makes planning and idea generation so simple!

For me, one of the biggest curation tools I use online is my subscription list on YouTube. I use YouTube everyday for a variety of entertainment. I watch YouTube much more than I watch television. Therefore, being able to easily organize and keep track of the content on YouTube is so helpful. Anytime I log in to YouTube I can know all the new uploads from the people I choose to follow. This makes my life so much easier. 

Along the same vein, I could definitely see creating my own classroom YouTube page (credit: Kirsten Thompson) for curation of educational content. Once the page is set-up my students can go there and access all kinds of new and existing content on YouTube. This certainly enhances their learning!

Overall, I truly do appreciate all the online curation tools that make my life easier everyday! 

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