Thursday 2 February 2017

Ramble #4

Another week, another video!

Wow! What an inspiring story!

This week in class we continued discussion on building a web presence. Specifically, we were introduced to the power of ePortfolios.

I have some prior experience with ePortfolios. This is because my girlfriend is a 2nd year Ed. student here at B.U. Last year she created an ePortfolio for this I.C.T class. Given that she is not the most tech-savvy person, she required some help with the development of the website.

We chose to use the website 'Weebly'. Honestly, it was an amazing experience! I had never made a website before but 'Weebly' made it very simple to execute. The process of developing the site was super intuitive. Even my girlfriend caught on to the process very quickly!

As for what I think about ePortfolios...

I think ePortfolios are tremendously valuable to us as pre-service teachers. We need any advantage we can get in order to make an impression on hiring committees and principals. ePortfolios give opportunities for us to highlight what makes us unique as individuals and educators. It allows us to share who we are as a person as well as who we are as a teacher. When my girlfriend and I developed her website we included things such as: photos, philosophy of education, classroom management philosophy, about me, education, fun lesson plans, among many other things. These various pages allowed my girlfriend to express herself as a person and how that manifests itself in her classroom. I believe this information is very valuable to principals that are hiring.

I look forward to developing my own ePortfolio this term. Yes, physical portfolios have value too. However, I think that in the modern world of technology we should take advantage of the endless unique opportunities that online portfolios and websites allow for. On top of that, ePortfolios allows for access across space and time!

Until next week,


Thanks to Alex for the shoutout within his blog last week :)

1 comment:

Ramble #15 Greetings! This is my final blog post for the Internet For Educators course! We have come a long way! As we all think towards...